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Version: v1

Setup Discord Bot

To send analytics data from StatStream to your Discord server, you need to create and configure a Discord bot. Here’s how you can do that:

1. Create a New Bot:

  • Go to the Discord Developer Portal.
  • Click on New Application and give it a name (e.g., StatStream Bot).
  • In the left-hand menu, navigate to the Bot section and click Add Bot.
  • After the bot is created, you will be able to manage its settings.

2. Get the Bot Token:

  • In the Bot section, you will see a Token.
  • Copy the token (you’ll need this to configure StatStream).

3. Invite the Bot to Your Server:

  • Go to the OAuth2 section in the Developer Portal.
  • Under OAuth2 URL Generator, select bot under Scopes and select Send Messages under Bot Permissions.
  • Copy the generated URL and open it in your browser to invite the bot to your Discord server.

4. Add the Bot Token to StatStream Configuration:

Once your bot is set up and invited to your server, use the Bot Token in the StatStream configuration to authenticate the bot and send data to your Discord server.

Add the following to your .env file in the StatStream project:


Note: Ensure that the bot has permission to send messages to the desired channel on your server.

How to Get the Bot Token and Invite to Server

For a visual walkthrough, here’s a helpful video guide on setting up your bot:

Once your bot is set up and the token is correctly configured, StatStream will start sending website activity updates to your Discord server.